Spring Update: Training, Technology and Our Core Services
Welcome back to the blog, and thanks for coming! Many of you might be visiting for the first time, so for this post, I thought it would be a good idea to zero in on our core services. Our specialty is Athlete Health and Performance Management: We work directly with athletes to provide tailored direction and guidance for their performance needs. By utilizing cutting-edge technology and data (Sparta Science), along with consistent methodologies, our programs result in a significant reduction of injury risk, and provide our clients with year-round performance and health tracking.

While professional athletes may have access to the best trainers, technologies, facilities and environments in the world, that may not be enough to get the job done. Once travel schedules, family and team commitments, and rest and vacation time come into the picture, things can get complicated. Before you know it, what started out as a quality training plan for the athlete has become unplanned, sporadic training. What Tactic Performance is able to provide is the ability to bring together training methods, and to track athletes year-round, significantly minimizing the risk of injury, and keeping them on the playing field. Via professional coaching aided by technology, we not only train our athletes, we teach them how to take care of themselves during their off hours. We also consult with performance professionals throughout the country, and help them keep their athletes’ goals and training on the right track. We check in and assess our athletes, and consult with their performance coaches and staff, wherever they are: at home, on vacation, or on the road, both in-season and off-season.

At Tactic Performance, our aim is to be the behind-the-scenes experts, keeping our athletes healthy and successful in their chosen sport. We’ll be back soon with more updates, including details on upcoming work in Los Angeles and more. At this point, tentative plans include assessing and training basketball athletes this summer, so make sure to come back to the blog soon!
Technology Proven | Relationship Driven