Happy New Year: Updates and Happenings
Happy New Year, everyone! It's been a hectic holiday, and I wanted to take a minute to fill you in on the latest here at Tactic Performance.
As a lot of you already know, I've had a successful and productive late summer and fall in Los Angeles. While it's been an adjustment, I've gotten used to my new surroundings–and frankly, the weather has been a treat. I've been filling my time training, networking and building relationships with the NBA community and potential clientele, as well as building my circle of coaches, trainers and other practitioners.

This winter will be divided between San Francisco and Los Angeles, as I continue training my existing NFL, CFL, and MiLB clients. I'll also be working with local high school athletes whenever schedules permit.
As we head further into January, my primary focus has become professional football off-season training/coaching, and preparing for the NBA off-season in the coming summer. I'm looking forward to a lot of exciting activity, and pleased to see how the year is shaping up so far. Keep in mind though, I've still got some room in my schedule so feel free to reach out to me anytime via website, social media, or my email (cj@tacticperformance.com).
I'll be back around soon with more strength and conditioning as well as business news.