TACTIC | Coffee w/ Coach: Who Do I Follow for Information?
Here is a short list (no specific order) of coaches and authors I follow for new ideas, inspiration, and guidance within the sports performance world. All of these men have a couple qualities that attract me to their content. First, their name and ego never come first. The purpose is clear that they are here to help out the athletes and coaches they come into contact with. Second, the messages they provide are clear, concise, positive, and flat out makes sense!

Dan John - www.DanJohn.net
- Lifting and Throws Coach
- The Wide and Wonderful World of all Things Fitness / Blog
Brett Bartholomew (@Coach_BrettB) - www.BartholomewStrength.com
- “Fundamentals Not Fluff”
Matt Gifford (@CoachGiff) - www.NXLevelAthletics.com
- NXLevel Fight Crew
Lee Taft - www.LeeTaft.com
- The Speed Guy
- “Changing the Way Athletic Movement Speed is Taught"
Lastly, reading has become a major portion of my growth and education. I have found that using Audible (Audiobook app) during all types of commuting has massively broadened my knowledge base. Last year, I read 62 books on topics ranging from sports performance, philosophy, and business. I’m working on getting a book list onto my website (www.TacticPerformance.com), providing short reviews of what I learned or information nuggets I have taken from each title. I hope this helps guide parents, coaches, and athletes in the right direction when searching for more information on questions that come up along the way. As always, have a wonderful week/end as we are already over halfway through February...Cheers!