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Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Performance: The Guide Behind the Athletes' Success
Empowering athletes through technology and data-driven insights, we customize training programs to optimize performance and minimize risks.
Adding Efficiency to an Uncertain Off-Season
2020 NFL Case Study: Foye Oluokun Through a unique combination of world class coaching, state-of-the-art performance evaluations, and...
Spring Update: Training, Technology and Our Core Services
Welcome back to the blog, and thanks for coming! Many of you might be visiting for the first time, so for this post, I thought it would...
Happy New Year: Updates and Happenings
Happy New Year, everyone! It's been a hectic holiday, and I wanted to take a minute to fill you in on the latest here at Tactic...
Athlete Communication and Cueing
"The art of coaching is communicating information in a way that the athlete understands and is able to use." - Informed in Sport Blog...
Finding the Right Coach: Pro Day Prep
"...players and coaches should have the same goal working together" - Garrett Anderson, QB As the NFL Draft has come and gone I wanted to...
Sport Training Cultures
Different sports have developed different training cultures over many years of fads, coaching styles, and athlete preferences. Why is it...
Setting Goals: Why You Should Do It
A goal should scare you a little, and excite you A LOT - Joe Vitale Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Why am I doing what I...
Continuing Education: My Version
I've never enjoyed formal classroom work, reading books, or going to seminars/conferences. Networking does not come easily to me. So how...
Guest Post: Part 1 - The Power of Belief
..."because in sports, as in business or life in general, the element of belief is so critical that it cannot be overlooked. It is where...
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